Spiral Dough Hook for select KitchenAid® Bowl-Lift Stand Mixers KSMBLSD | KitchenAid (2024)

Spiral Dough Hook for select KitchenAid® Bowl-Lift Stand Mixers





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Spiral Dough Hook for select KitchenAid® Bowl-Lift Stand Mixers KSMBLSD | KitchenAid (1)

'; setTimeout(function (){ if (window.location.href.indexOf("ksm150") > -1) { if (window.digitalData.product[0].productInfo.availability == "inStock"){ $(".productvariants").append(customSection); } } }, 5000); // How long you want the delay to be, measured in milliseconds. });

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`; class AgileVideoComponent extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); this.cfUrl = this.getAttribute("cf-data-url"); this.vidUniqId = `video-`+String(Date.now()); this.jsonData = {}; this.urlSku = ""; this.pageType = window.digitalData.page.pageInfo.pageType; this.pageType = 'productdetail'; if (this.pageType.includes("productdetail")) { this.urlSku = window.location.pathname.split('p.').pop().split('.') } // ===================== ATTACHING SHADOW AND SETTING DELEGATES FOCUS TO MAKE ELEMENTS INSIDE THE COMPONENT FOCUSABLE ===================== this.attachShadow({ mode: "open", delegatesFocus: true }); this.shadowRoot.appendChild(pdpTemplate.content.cloneNode(true)); this.classList.add('hidden') } connectedCallback() { this.shadowRoot.querySelector('[name=play-icon]').addEventListener('slotchange', (e)=>{ // *** Can I move this to document scoped CSS since it cannot be changed from the within the component scoped styles? *** // If/when this is moved to codebase, we can bring in and use YT internally, which would eliminate the need to bring these in via slots and allow us to use/style them within the component. const playSvg = this.querySelector('.play-svg svg') playSvg.setAttribute('style', 'height:100%;') playSvg.addEventListener('mouseenter',()=>{ playSvg.parentElement.style.scale = '1.15' }) playSvg.addEventListener('mouseleave',()=>{ playSvg.parentElement.style.scale = '1' }) // ************* }) const modal = document.getElementById(this.getAttribute('modal-id')) // if(!window.location.host.includes('aem-author.whirlpool') ){ // this.classList.add('hidden') // }else if(window.location.host.includes('aem-author.whirlpool') ){ this.classList.remove('hidden') this.shadowRoot.querySelector('.headline').textContent = 'Agile Video Placeholder' this.closest('.xf-content-height').style.margin = '0'; this.shadowRoot.querySelector('.img-placeholder').style.display = 'inline-block' } // *** Fetch Content Fragment, Or JSON Data *** // // this.getCfData.bind(this)(); document.addEventListener('readystatechange', ()=>this.getCfData.bind(this)() ) // ************* // } // ===================== FETCH CONTENT FRAGMENT/JSON DATA ===================== // **** Newest Version uses web-workers to handle most of the logic, that will further improve the performance as nearly all the logic will be taken off the main thread **** async getCfData () { if(document.readyState == 'complete' ){ await fetch(this.cfUrl) .then( response => response.json() ) .then( data => this.jsonData = data ) .then( () => this.parseSet.bind(this)(this.jsonData) ) .catch( err => console.log("Getting cf data failed: ", err)) } } // ===================== PARSE CONTENT FRAGMENT DATA ===================== // **** Newest Version uses web-workers to handle most of the logic, that will further improve the performance as nearly all the logic will be taken off the main thread **** async parseSet(data) { let cfObj = this.jsonData || data;// console.log(cfObj, this.urlSku) let foundVid = cfObj["videos"].forEach((vid, i) => { let loadVid = this.urlSku.filter(item=>{ if(!vid["skus"])return return vid["skus"].includes(item) }) // console.log(loadVid) if (this.pageType.includes("productdetail") && loadVid.length>0 ) { this.setPdpVidAttrs({ overline: vid.overline, headline: vid.headline, subtitle: vid.subtitle, dataVideoId: vid.dataVideoId, mobileImg: vid.mobileImg, desktopImg: vid.desktopImg, ctaText: vid.ctaText, ctaTitle: vid.ctaTitle, dataUniqueId: this.vidUniqId, }); } }); } // ===================== SET ATTRIBUTES ===================== setPdpVidAttrs = (vidDataToRender) => { // ===================== CONTENT CARD SELECTORS ===================== const vidSel = this.shadowRoot ? { overline: this.shadowRoot.querySelector(".overline"), headline: this.shadowRoot.querySelector(".headline"), subtitle: this.shadowRoot.querySelector(".subtitle"), ctaText: this.querySelector(".platform-components-video__button .button-text"), playSvg: this.querySelector(".play-svg"), playBtn: this.querySelector('.platform-components-video__button'), desktopImg: this.shadowRoot.querySelector('[media="(min-width: 768px)"]'), mobileImg: this.shadowRoot.querySelector('[media="(max-width: 767px)"]'), img: this.shadowRoot.querySelector( ".image" ), } : ""; this.videoId = vidDataToRender.dataVideoId // Check to see if the agile-video element has been hydrated first to avoid unneccessary work. if(!this.getAttribute('hyrdrated')){ for(const prop in vidDataToRender){ switch(prop){ case 'overline': let contentContainer = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('.agile-pdp-content') let overline = document.createElement('h1') contentContainer.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin',overline) overline.textContent = vidDataToRender[prop] overline.classList.add('overline') break; case 'headline': // Check to see if ® is in the text, if it is, superscript it vidDataToRender[prop].includes('®') ? vidSel[prop].innerHTML = vidDataToRender[prop].replace('®','®') : vidSel[prop].textContent = vidDataToRender[prop] break; case 'subtitle': // Check to see if ® is in the text, if it is, superscript it vidDataToRender[prop].includes('®') ? vidSel[prop].innerHTML = vidDataToRender[prop].replace('®','®') : vidSel[prop].textContent = vidDataToRender[prop] break; case 'desktopImg': vidSel[prop].getAttribute('srcset', vidDataToRender[prop]) vidSel["img"].setAttribute('src', (window.innerWidth >= 768 ? vidDataToRender[prop] :vidDataToRender["mobileImg"])) break; case 'mobileImg': vidSel[prop].getAttribute('srcset', vidDataToRender[prop]) break; case 'ctaTitle': vidSel["playSvg"].setAttribute('title', vidDataToRender[prop]) vidSel["playBtn"].setAttribute('title', vidDataToRender[prop]) break; case 'dataVideoId': {vidSel["playSvg"].setAttribute('data-video-id', vidDataToRender[prop]) vidSel["playBtn"].setAttribute('data-video-id', vidDataToRender[prop])} break; case 'dataUniqueId': { vidSel["playSvg"].setAttribute('data-unique-id', this.vidUniqId) vidSel["playBtn"].setAttribute('data-unique-id', this.vidUniqId)} break; } } } this.setAttribute('hydrated', ''); this.classList.remove('hidden'); }; } // ===================== CHECK TO MAKE SURE ELEMENT ISN'T ALREADY REGISTERED & REGISTER ===================== if (!customElements.get("agile-video")) { window.customElements.define("agile-video", AgileVideoComponent); }

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Augmented Reality experience is currently supported on the following devices: iPhone on iOS 12+ Android 8.0+ with ARCore 1.9 support

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Key Features

Spiral dough hook fits select KitchenAid® Bowl-Lift Stand Mixers*

Easy to Clean Spiral Dough Hook

Model KSMBLSD Includes



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Spiral Dough Hook for select KitchenAid® Bowl-Lift Stand Mixers KSMBLSD | KitchenAid (3) Spiral Dough Hook for select KitchenAid® Bowl-Lift Stand Mixers KSMBLSD | KitchenAid (4) Spiral Dough Hook for select KitchenAid® Bowl-Lift Stand Mixers KSMBLSD | KitchenAid (5) Spiral Dough Hook for select KitchenAid® Bowl-Lift Stand Mixers KSMBLSD | KitchenAid (6)

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Spiral Dough Hook for select KitchenAid® Bowl-Lift Stand Mixers KSMBLSD | KitchenAid (2024)


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Views: 6274

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Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.