Staff Software Engineer/DevOps Manager Resume San Jose, CA - Hire IT People (2024)


  • Architect, design, develop and manage cloud - based environments for enterprise IT applications. lead DevOps team in designing and developing automated deployment system, configuration management, dynamic monitoring of business-critical systems.
  • Extensive 13+ years of experience in system analysis, design, development, testing, deployment, configuration management, troubleshooting and production support of multiple enterprise IT projects.
  • 4+ years of hands-on management of multiple projects across a wide breadth of technologies, dependencies coordination and interaction with other internal teams and external partners.
  • Working experience in architecting highly scalable, highly available distributed cloud applications and building cloud infrastructure (AWS).
  • Professional experience in developing high performance distributed client-server applications.
  • Sound understanding of programming fundamentals, advanced data structures, algorithms, object oriented design/programming (OOD or OOP), complete software development life cycle (SDLC).
  • Excellent problem-solving & analytical skills, very strong background in engineering/mathematics, quantitative numerical analysis, and scientific computing.


Technologies/Languages: AWS (ec2, S3, Lambda, Route53, EFS, RDS, CloudFormation, CloudWatch, ElastiCache), Perl, Ruby, C++, C, Java, Shell Scripting, Sed, Awk, Python, Puppet, SQL, Pro*C, PL/SQL, VC++, VB.Net, JavaScript, AJAX, HTML, XHTML, CSS, XML, FORTRAN.

Operating Systems: Linux, Solaris, UNIX, AIX, HP-UX, Windows 98/NT/00/XP, DOS.

Databases: MySQL, Oracle 9i/10g, MS Access.

Tools: /IDEs Zabbix, Splunk, Jenkins, Hudson, Tableau, Visual Studio .Net, Forte Developer WorkShop 6.0, DBX, Rational Purify, PVCS Version Manager 6.7.00, Harvest Version Control, Rational Clear Quest, Rational Clear Case, CA Clarity, Rally, Tivoli Workload Scheduler, Cron Scheduler, CA AutoSys Workload Automation, LSF, SQL*Plus, Windows SQL, TOAD, HP Quality Center, Matlab, TechPlot, LaTex.

Servers: Apache Web Server, Nginx, Tuxedo Application Server.

Web Designing: HTML, Macromedia 6.1, MS-FrontPage, XML

Parallel Prog. Languages: Message Passing Interface (MPI), OpenMP and PVM.


Confidential, San Jose, CA

Staff Software Engineer/DevOps Manager


  • Received 2 Qualstar (a spot to recognize s that go above and Confidential ) s for excellent execution on all fronts
  • Designing and building scalable cloud infrastructure for hosting location based servers using AWS (ec2, S3, RDS, Route53, CloudFormation, CloudFront etc).
  • Migrated multiple location services from on-premise data center to AWS successfully.
  • Actively manage a team of 8-member DevOps Engineers team, and Release Engineering responsible for installing, configuring and supporting business critical systems.
  • Drive Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery efforts.
  • Develop tools for automated deployment, client-server applications for testing and generating load on location servers.
  • Learning & applying knowledge of positioning systems including GNSS (GPS & GLONASS), WiFi, CellID, and positioning algorithms.
  • Developing foundation classes using C++/Java to power high performance asynchronous location servers.
  • Developing unit test suites to meet TDD (Test Driven Development) methodology standards.
  • Working in a fast paced environment and co-coordinating with other teams in order to deliver software products as needed by end customers.

Environment: Ruby, AWS, Puppet, Python, Java, C/C++, multithreading, sockets, Inter Process Communication, TCP/IP, Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, Linux (RH6.2 & RHEL5.4), Virtual Machines, tcpdump, Wireshark, gcov, Coverity, ScrumWorks, Perl, Shell, Oracle SQL, MySQL, Perforce, BugDB, Jenkins, Hudson. JSON, REST, RESTful APIs.

Confidential, San Jose, California

Software Engineer


  • Implementing enterprise-level SOA (service-oriented architecture) system design and development with a high-performing team in fast-pacedagileenvironment using primarily C++.
  • Developing and unit testing SOAP APIs using WSDL.
  • Researching, analyzing, proposing, and delivering solutions that are appropriate for the business and technology strategies.
  • Conducting design and code reviews.
  • Testing and validation of new enhancements and developments.
  • Interfacing with the Technical Leads, Project Managers, & QA team to ensure that code development meets the needs.
  • Troubleshooting and fixing bugs found during testing.
  • Providing on-call support during releases and resolving production issues on rotation basis.
  • Introducing TDD (test driven development) framework for fast-paced agile development methodology.

Environment: high-performing agile development with scrum methodology, C/C++, API, SOAP, WSDL, Linux (RH6.2 & RHEL5.4), Virtual Machines, Oracle SQL, Clear Quest, Clear Case, CA Clarity, Rally, & HP Quality Center.

Confidential, St. Louis, Missouri

Sr. Software Developer


  • Writing technical design document (TDD) as per business requirement document (BRD)
  • Translating TDD into complete robust code using Perl, Oracle SQL, Shell, Awk and Sed.
  • Testing and validation of new enhancements and developments.
  • Improving code performance by employing SQL tuning, partitioning, and parallel query.
  • Interfacing with the Technical Leads, Business Analysts, & Testing team to ensure that code development meets the needs
  • Troubleshooting and fixing bugs found during testing.

Environment: Perl, SQL, Oracle 10g, Shell, Sed, Awk, TOAD, CA AutoSys, CA Harvest, HP Quality Center & AIX.

Confidential, O’Fallon, Missouri

Software Engineer


  • Writing Use Cases (design documents) as per new business requirements.
  • Translating Use Cases into complete robust code using C/C++, Pro*C, SQL, Perl, HTML, XML & JavaScript.
  • Interfacing with the Technical Leads, Business Analysts, & Documentation team to ensure that code development meets the needs.
  • Performing unit test of new enhancements and developments.
  • Performing cross test of other Software Engineers’ code.
  • Involved in bug fixing & troubleshooting issues found in testing & production.
  • Analyzing and developing ad-hoc requests for custom reporting using perl/shell scripts, & Java.
  • Writing scripts (perl, shell, awk, & sed) for monitoring/automating scheduled jobs, servers and critical processes in production.
  • Parsing large data text files using perl/shell scripts.
  • Writing PL/SQLs for custom reporting and fine-tuning SQLs to improve performance.
  • Developing test cases and reviewing plans as a part of cross testing process
  • Participating in code walkthroughs with other Software Engineers and Technical Leads.
  • Involved in on-call production support.
  • Participating in the monthly releases & implementation process.

Environment: C/C++, Pro*C, PL/SQL, Oracle 9i/10g, TOAD, sqlPlus, Perl (CGI, Mod Perl, Object-Oriented), Shell, Awk, Sed, WorkShop, DBX, Purify, PVCS, HP Quality Center, IBM Clear Quest, Tivoli Workload Scheduler, Cron Scheduler, HTML, XML, XHTML, JavaScript, AJAX, CSS, BEA Tuxedo, Apache, Solaris, & Windows.

Confidential, Lexington, Kentucky

Software Developer


  • Requirement gathering, analysis and frontend to backend design.
  • Development of backend application which involved socket and multi-threaded programming using VC++ in order to synchronize communication with robot and camera at a time.
  • Development of entire frontend GUI in VB.Net which communicates with backend VC++ process using DLL written in VC++
  • Testing, bug-fixing and troubleshooting of production problems

Environment: .Net Framework, Visual Studio, VC++, VB, Windows XP, V+, & Adept Controller.

Confidential, Lexington, Kentucky

Software Developer


  • Performed requirement gathering, analysis and design.
  • Developed a windows database application using Visual Basic 6.0, SQL and MS-Access.

Environment: VB, SQL, MS-Access, & Windows XP.

Confidential, Lexington, KY

Research Assistant


  • Performed multi-processor computing, code optimization & optimal use of CPU caches for obtaining efficient interprocessor communication for handling large amount of data on different network configurations (Ethernet, Myrinet & Infiniband).
  • Designed an efficient algorithm in C++ for numerical solution of nanomachining simulation.
  • Designed, developed, tested and maintained websites using HTML, JavaScript, CGI/Perl & Macromedia for various courses/events in the research group.
  • Wrote several scripts using Perl/Shell for handling and parsing large output text files.
  • Used Load Sharing Facility (LSF) extensively for scheduling parallel jobs.

Environment: C/C++, MPI, LSF, Linux, Shell, CGI/Perl, HTML, Macromedia, MS-FrontPage JavaScript, FORTRAN, Matlab, Techplot, LaTex, OpenMP, & PVM.

Staff Software Engineer/DevOps Manager Resume San Jose, CA -  Hire IT People (2024)


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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.